Named by EdTechMagazine in 2023 as a top 30 K-12 IT Influencer to Follow, Dee is the Lead Education Experience Designer at Lanier Learning, LLC and is an Education Coach for Samsung. Dee is dedicated to co-designing equitable learning experiences for school leaders, staff, and students. Lanier Learning also partners with nonprofit and for-profit corporations that are committed to community good.

Dee is the author of Demarginalizing Design and co-author of The Promises and Perils of AI in Education. Dee is a passionate and energetic educator and learner with over two decades of instructional experience on the K-12 and collegiate levels. Dee holds Undergraduate and Master’s degrees in Sociology with special interests in education, race relations, and equity. Dee is an award-winning presenter, TEDx Speaker, Google Certified Trainer, Google Innovator, and Google Certified Coach that specializes in creative applications for mobile devices and Chromebooks, low-cost makerspaces, and gamified learning experiences. Dee is a founding mentor and architect for the Google Coaching program pilot, Dynamic Learning Project, and a founding coach of Our Voice Academy, a program aimed at empowering educators of color to gain greater visible leadership and recognized expertise. Dee is also the creator of the design thinking educational activities called, Solve in Time!® and Maker Kitchen™️ and co-host of the Liberated Educator podcast. Dee practices self-care by reading, playing percussion, and roasting, brewing, and drinking coffee.

Keynote Speaker

🎤👨🏾‍🎓 Lessons Learned From My Hip Hop Heroes

and what they can teach us all about culturally responsive education. 

AKA, parasailing past the pitfalls of poor pedagogical practices

🖼️👩🏾‍🏫 Design Teaching

Did you know that 80% of mobile apps are deleted within the first 3 days of original download? What if your class was an app, would your students delete it? How can you ensure that instruction isn’t long-pressed and permanently trashed from the memory of your students and staff? Deeply engage your learners by designing experiences, not just lessons. This is #DesignTeaching

Recommended Devices: Mobile or Laptop

Workshop Facilitator

Navigating the Emergent and Urgent Realities of AI: From Classrooms to Cabinets to Corporate Spaces.

Demarginalizing Design: by centering on Equity, Empathy, and Creativity in Problem-Solving.

Teaching Joy and Justice Through Virtual Field Trips: Inspiring Educators and Executives to Create Immersive Learning Experiences

Solve in Time: Gamified Design Thinking to solve problems related to instructional design, bias and equity, Global Goals and more!

Experience Designer

Email for coaching or consultation:



Available Now! The Promises and Perils of AI in Education


Book: Demarginalizing Design


Activity: Solve in Time!